Tuesday, December 30, 2008
forget jennifer- just Ask Alice!
Monday, December 29, 2008
here we go!
Dave has wisely refrained from giving me an estimate of how long this job will take, in spite of several attempts on my part to
pin him down get a ball park guess of how long it will take. smart man, my husband! I'm just trying to wrap my brain around how long i have to cook for my family with my refrigerator nearly in the hallway, and my sink in the laundry room.
so if you don't hear from me for a little while, don't assume it's because I'm busy making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for my family. it's most likely because I've run off into the hills, screaming and pulling out my hair from all the stress. and mess.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
it was a lovely day, full of happy memories!
A is filled with anticipation and joy! she wants to hold baby Jesus again!
Dave and i got each other a t-shirt. our local paper has an advice column- very practical and satirical. we crack up every time we read it! Dave also got an ask Alice mug from G. now we're official residents of rural Bradford county, PA!
it was a very pleasant and relaxing day- except for one little blip that I'll tell you about another time. we enjoyed each other, our gifts and our many blessings. merry Christmas to you and your family!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree...
that's our story, and we're sticking to it.
M and A arrange the nativity under the tree.
here is our tree all decorated (and the living room is actually neat, too!) the picture turned out a little dark, but maybe I'll take another picture and post it later. hopefully the next picture will be better!
i hope that you have a wonderful Christmas, surrounded by the ones that you love and cherish. Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
baking christmas cookies with the girls
Monday, December 22, 2008
through the eyes of a child...

both little girls continue to play with our nativities, and i pray that as all the children grow, they will not only love the Baby in the manger, but know and serve the Savior on the cross.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
giving them a firm foundation
Thursday, December 18, 2008
no snow outside...
next i put on the noses- i was going for a carrot-ey sort of look.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
be still, my beating heart!
that is, unless the girl is me. and unless she spends most all of her time painting. and wearing the same old paint-splattered LLBean sweatshirt.
it was an ENTIRE case of white, paintable latex caulk! and unless you've never been cursed with trying to paint over silicone caulk, you might not understand the momentous occasion this truly was. latex caulk is wonderful! it covers a multitude of sins and teensy mistakes- and once you paint over it, no one will ever know what went on underneath. i've been busy in the mud room this afternoon, and i sure am loving my latex caulk. and dave.
here is my other best friend- a small trim brush. i bought that for myself. it's perfect for those small jobs where i'm touching up, and the handle is all comfy and rubbery. i like to paint, and these 2 favorite things make my job much easier.
just in case you wanted to know!
PS- i updated the mud room post below with new pictures.
Monday, December 15, 2008
still going, and getting there!
i wasted no time painting and caulking, following Dave right around as he went. we made alot of progress in this room today! all the walls are painted, the trim is painted and waiting for Dave, and hopefully tomorrow i can "finish up"!
the wall is mostly done now, with a few ceiling issues to finish, (think old, crooked house) as well as the beadboard up top. I've also painted both doors- the kitchen door and the door to the porch. this wall will get 4 hooks for our frequently worn coats, as well as Dave's little hunting cabinet will be hung up.
i worked most of yesterday, and late last night getting the painting, caulking and trim done. there is still some more to be done, but for now, that's the extent of the pictures to show.
this is where the butler's pantry used to be. Dave wanted this wall to run the baseboard heater. now the heater is under the coat rack, and keeps our coats and boots toasty warm! this room is right off the kitchen, so is perfect for the family to come in and dump all their junk and crap essential belongings. i figure this room will help keep the house much neater.
i can always hope, right?