Monday, May 17, 2021

I'm hungry! let's have waffles!

this post has been waiting in draft form for a few weeks now; might as well add the words and get these blocks out in bloggy land! 

some sewing has been happening for me behind the scenes; our garden is looking different this year (as in not ridiculously huge, no CSA or Farmer's Markets, and i'm just planning on growing for our family with *perhaps* a bit extra produce to sell) 

so far, Dave and i are still talking to each other, (ha! but not ha!) and we're navigating this new season with less stress, and hopefully more understanding and respect going both ways in our relationship

i've got quite the stack of brown waffles, and low volume waffle blocks with the COM. i'm sure more than 2 quilts will be forthcoming in November. 

i "joined" the facebook UFO Bingo page, and i'm slowly working my way through some of my UFOs, as well as UFWannaDos. 

 my most current project is the baby quilt for #babywise. he's grandchild #6, grandson #3, and Baby T should be here any week now. (maybe even next week, if he's as impatient as his mama thinks he might be!) 

i'll be back soon(ish) with some more RSC blocks, but be sure and click over to Angela's to see all the RSCgoodness happening this month!

1 comment:

The Joyful Quilter said...

Light and dark, LOVE those RED Waffle blocks!!


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