Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March: Jesus in our heart and home

this monochromatic clay nativity hails all the way from Mexico! my great uncle Eddie brought it back with him who knows when, and eventually my great aunts Mary and Olive passed it along to me.

this is my only nativity scene that has a chicken represented at the birth, and i can honestly say that this is one of my favorite nativities.

of course, with Easter just around the corner, most people are thinking of the completion of the Christmas story- Jesus dying for our sins, and rising from the dead.

however, A and B are still (almost daily) acting out the Christmas story. complete with head covering, baby Jesus and swaddling cloths, their little hearts are tender towards the baby Jesus who had no place to stay.

next week is holy week, and using the Resurrection Eggs, I'll begin the familiarize them with the rest of the story.

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