Saturday, January 24, 2009

it's feast or famine around here, i guess!

I'm sorry for neglecting you, all my faithful bloggy friends (and relatives!) the kitchen work just rolls right along, and the laundry just keeps piling up...
we have several more cabinets hung, and Dave has started putting in the tin back splash. it's easier that way, and the laser level makes that job a snap. we are really thrilled with how it's all turning out.
this week i painted the kitchen, as Dave finally gave the go-ahead that he was satisfied with the quality of his spackling job. i knew that i wanted the kitchen yellow, but was really undecided as to what particular yellow. what I've been doing for several of my painting projects is looking at the paint chips at Lowe's, and choosing a color that is in the National Trust for Historic Preservation. apparently, this is an exclusive thing to Lowe's, and their line of Valspar paint. the yellow that we settled on (and yes, Dave approved of the choice!) is Mark Twain House yellow. and yellow it is. no doubt about that! it was quite late at night until i was done painting, and i was not so sure that i would like the color in the bright daylight. but, i can unreservedly say now that i really, really like it. really. (and Dave and the boys do, too, although they did say it takes some getting used to!) it is a very old looking yellow, and adds some character and depth to the kitchen. (if that is even possible to do with a gallon of paint.) when i get all the white trim touched up, and Dave trims the windows, it will look even better.

we have a tin Noah's Ark sculpture that Dave and M brought back from Haiti last year. i am undecided whether to hang it at the end of the table, or between the two windows. we do want to hang it in the kitchen though, as it will go nicely with the "tin theme" that we have going on. it will also remind us to daily pray for our friends, the Andersons, who are serving down at the mission house and clinic full time. i had considered asking all you readers to weigh in with your input about where to hang Noah and his friends, but since NOBODY did my last poll, i figured I'd just wing it on my own...

i took just a couple pictures of the other end of the kitchen- the door to the left of the hutch goes into the laundry room, and the doorway leads into the *grand* hallway. (BTW, G made me that little shcnerenschnitte picture for Christmas. i really like it- and have high hopes that he'll make me a few more!)

meanwhile, the mess in the other end of the kitchen just keeps getting worse, and spreading... dave is famous for that. but i guess we'll keep him. he's pretty handy to have around, and i've grown kind of attached to him...


Wanda..... said...

The photo of your home instantly captured my eye and makes me want to find out all I can about it and your lovely family.

Christina said...

I like Mark Twain House yellow. The kitchen looks so cheery! Sorry to have been out of touch over the holidays, but I've been keeping up via your blog!


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