RSC14 quilts

Friday, March 01, 2024

Gifted, Shared, Loved...

i've been absent from bloggy land, and missing my RSC friends. i'm back with a plethora of catchup posts! mostly from RSC23...



granddaughter L turned 5 in late October. i mailed her 2 of my favorite quilts from RSC22. 

just 2 very simple designs; i like to focus on color and contrast, rather than fiddly piecing. 3" squares, and 3" HSTs. she loved them!  no pics of the colorful backing, though...

my favorite DIL turned 30 (!!!) the end of July. P had commented in RSC21 that she really liked the scrappy twinkly stars that i was making- so obviously, the quilt needed to go live with her! (full picture of this quilt in my header photo, but now it's finished, not just a flimsy...) youngest grandson T had to get in on the happy occasion... 

Daughter #2, A, turned 17 June 29. (see, i'm really behind!). as a budding young writer, the Full Stop quilt seemed like she was the best one for it to be loved by... she was really happy! 

sharing and gifting a favorite quilt to one of my loved ones is the best ever. it's great when they find a home to go to; where they'll be appreciated and used. 

June 30 my youngest son passed away tragically and unexpectedly in a motorcycle accident. although i kept sewing along with you all, i just didn't have the energy to blog for awhile. 

i'm doing ok, and so is the family, though it was quite a shock, and so sad. 


the above 2 quilts were not pieced as part of my RSC shenanigans. the first one is for a great niece's baby in CA, the second (Baby Shark; inspiration found here, although now that i revisit Katy's post, i realize she used HSTs, not isosceles triangles... ) was pieced for the Nebraska MCC quilt sale, and is on its way into the world...) 

i appreciate the friendship and camaraderie of all my RSC bloggy (and Instagram!) friends! go see what every one else is up to- you just might be inspired! 


  1. Jennifer, I'm so sorry hear about your son. Sending quilty hugs from Colorado. It was good to see a post from and get caught up. Of course, your rainbow quilts are loved and make the perfect gifts! I gave my Full Stop to a budding young writer in our family, too - perfect!

  2. It’s so sad to hear of your son’s passing. My heart goes out to you and your family. All your quilts are beautiful, as always! This year for the RSC I’m doing a star block very similar to your star quilt blocks, and it’s nice to see your finished quilt as inspiration. But the best part is that you’re back to join us again. You’ve been missed!

  3. Oh, Jennifer! I am so sorry to hear of your family's loss. I've missed your quilty updates, but see that you continued scrappy patching through your grief. Wrapping our family in quilts can be such a comfort. I'm SEW glad to see that you are back with some catch-up posts filled with fabulous finished quilts!

  4. Welcome back to Blogland. I was so sad to read the reason for your absence. I hope your heart has healed as best as possible with such tragedy. Quilting is a great place to lose yourself with your thoughts and I find that helps ever so much. I loved your Baby Shark quilt. I made a fun quilt with lots of triangles that I called Shark Bite! Great minds, right?

  5. Such a great loss for you and your family, with the passing of your beloved son. My condolences to you all.


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